Accessibility Statement

Effective Date: June 1, 2023 – Last Reviewed: July 27, 2024

At, we strive to ensure that our website (the “Site”) is accessible to all individuals, including those with disabilities. We are committed to providing a user-friendly experience and making our content and features accessible to the widest possible audience. This Accessibility Statement outlines our ongoing efforts to enhance accessibility and promote inclusivity.

  1. Standards and Guidelines

a. Compliance: We aim to meet the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1, Level AA standards. These guidelines are recognized internationally as the benchmark for website accessibility.

b. Ongoing Review: We continually review our Site to ensure compliance with accessibility standards and incorporate improvements to enhance the user experience for all individuals.

  1. Accessibility Features

a. Keyboard Navigation: Our Site can be navigated using a keyboard, allowing individuals who rely on assistive technologies or have mobility impairments to access all features and content.

b. Alt Text: We strive to provide descriptive alternative text (alt text) for all images on our Site. Alt text helps screen readers and other assistive technologies to describe images to visually impaired users.

c. Clear Design and Layout: We maintain a clean and consistent design to improve readability and facilitate navigation. Our content is organized logically, ensuring a smooth browsing experience.

d. Captioning and Transcripts: Where applicable, we provide captions for videos and transcripts for audio content to ensure that individuals with hearing impairments can access the information presented.

  1. Third-Party Content

While we make every effort to ensure accessibility on our Site, there may be instances where third-party content or external links may not meet the same accessibility standards. We cannot control or be held responsible for the accessibility of such content. However, we encourage users to contact us if they encounter any accessibility issues with third-party content on our Site.

  1. Feedback and Contact Information

We welcome feedback from users regarding the accessibility of our Site. If you encounter any difficulties accessing or using our Site or have suggestions for improvement, please contact us at [email address]. Your feedback is valuable to us as we continue to enhance the accessibility of our Site.

  1. Future Enhancements

We are committed to ongoing accessibility improvements. As technology advances and best practices evolve, we will strive to implement additional accessibility features and enhancements to provide an inclusive experience for all users.

  1. Compliance and Updates

This Accessibility Statement is subject to periodic review and may be updated to reflect changes in our efforts or applicable laws. We encourage you to revisit this page to stay informed about our commitment to accessibility.

By using our Site, you acknowledge and agree to our efforts to provide an accessible online environment and our dedication to continually improving accessibility. We value inclusivity and are dedicated to ensuring equal access to our Site for all individuals.